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Summer Break 2017, Day 3 of 83: Naive Bayes?

Did Thomas Bayes ever think a small part to proving God's existence would be used in machines to classify data? I don't know, and most of us don't care. I'm waiting to use this and other algorithms in production to something I can showcase.


I am almost done with the second lesson of Udacity's introduction to machine learning course. The lesson, titled "Naive Bayes" reveals exactly the topic of discussion. Continuing with my goal, I've taken detailed notes about an example relating to the probability of having cancer based on a test.

Because of my excitement, I've created a Python virtual environment for machine learning-related packages including TensorFlow, Scikit-learn, and numpy. I've already played around with inputting different values into a Bayes classifier.

In terms of scheduling, today was actually a bland day with only four events (besides this) scheduled. Tomorrow has eight activities to occupy my day including learning more about machine learning, learning linear algebra, and working on my introduction to data analysis. 

I'm getting better with the time. I'll probably reschedule my machine learning course earlier in the day to give me time to unwind in the evening. Either way, good night, world.


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