This is going to be the second year I've witnessed I/O live(streamed), from school, nonetheless. While I'm hoping Google announces some bombshell that is going to give them some massive monopoly, I, containing bouts of cynicism inside, expect a bit less. Firebase, Firebase When Google announced Firebase last year, I shook and shivered with excitement. I thought, "An integrated mobile and web development backend I could use to make anything? Sign me up." Of course, Firebase got better with new features like Cloud Functions, but I don't think Google is done with it - they're not even close. While I know just as much as anyone not at Google about the announcements to take place in less than five to six hours, I'm sure Google is going to announce more integration with their Cloud Platform. Cloud Functions was the beginning of Firebase adding functionality to a "consumerized" cloud, if you will. The rest of Google Cloud Platform will be for anyon...
The drawn out, possibly redundant record of events in the life of Willie Chalmers III