I've been screwing around with Google's Sheets API client library. I've finally produced something barely accomplishing: a Python script that reads the values from a spreadsheet I'm using as the temporary machine learning training and testing data source for The Companions Project . The sheet that will house companion training data Success in the PyCharm console Sure, I don't know any practical information on how to implement machine learning, but I'll get there. I at least know the basic process: get data, format data/create labels, train model, test model, and repeat training and testing until model is sufficient for job. In other news, I contacted my likely computer science teacher for next year, Mr. Burton, about the club I'll have to make. Obviously, he didn't respond as it's the weekend, but I'm awaiting his response. Today, I've finally figured out why The Companions Project's deployment to Google App Engin...
The drawn out, possibly redundant record of events in the life of Willie Chalmers III